Kaylynn Cate Kolinek, our second child, was born in 2007 with an enormous red birth mark that covered 1/3 of her head, face and one eye, which threatened her visual ability. From the moment our sweet baby girl was born, we began a journey in uncharted territory that led us through all of the peaks and valleys that so many others face in similar circumstances. We write our story to you so that we may assist others on this path, helping to relieve the anguish that accompanies this medical situation and also to increase knowledge regarding the best course to take for greatest birthmark improvement and the child's well being.
We have a remarkable success story that is truly extraordinary and inspiring. As you can see from the photographs below, also, we created this sequence of photos, there is spectacular improvement in the appearance of Kaylynn’s birth mark after undergoing 13 laser treatments. We feel that if Oprah’s audience saw the extremely dramatic difference in Kaylynn’s condition from her birth until now, that it would serve the greater good for these reasons:
To sum up our experience thus far, here are the highlights of our peaks and valleys:
The name of her condition is termed Hemangioma, which is the 'H' in ‘H in the City’ as from the show ‘Sex in the City’, since her treatments were in New York City.
Kaylynn’s 14th laser treatment is October 9th, 2009 at the University of California, Irvine. We will also attend our second Vascular Birthmark Conference hosted by the Beckman Laser Institution that weekend. This conference would make a great segment because it could show footage of Kaylynn’s birthmark laser surgery; showcase other children with various birthmarks; and introduce our physicians (the best in the field of birthmarks), Dr. Waner and Dr. Nelson.
We believe that knowledge is power in sharing Kaylynn’s story with others. We would like to offer our extensive photos, videos, and our personal experience for any show that Oprah produces regarding birthmarks and their removal treatment. Additionally, we truly want to enhance awareness of Hemangiomas, as timing is most critical. Many doctors today offer the worst advice, which is to "wait and see" what happens. Our worst fears would have come true if we took that approach with Kaylynn and our best joy is helping others in our situation.
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