Hemangioma (Birth Mark) Removal

Hemangioma Birth Mark Removal


Pre New York

1st Trip

2nd Trip

3rd Trip

4th Trip

5th Trip

6th Trip

7th Trip

8th Trip

9th Trip

10th Trip

11th Trip

12th Trip

13th Trip

14th Trip

15th Trip

16th Trip

Round 9 The H is going Away!
Your prayers are being heard and answered. 
Back to the Big Apple Feb 13th & Feb 14th for Laser with Dr. Waner.       I woke up on the 13th not feeling well as my red blood counts are very low.     White blood counts are for infection, which mine where great.    Red Blood counts are for energy etc.   I was very low and didn't have much oxygen going through my system.    I got a shot for this too on Feb 12th.    But no matter what I was going to NYC, and we headed to the airport.    
We got on plane,  direct flight by Delta, and as soon as we got seated the captain says,  there is a 3 hour and 45 minute delay in JFK.    Great, this means we get in a midnight and wake up for a 5am laser treatment.      Oh well,    we have to go, and what can we do.  Not a big deal.   Then 20 minutes later the captain comes out and shakes a man's hand in first class and say thank this guy.   Someone powerful was on the plane,  because we were taking off,   turned a 3.5 hour flight into 2.5 hours and we went straight to our gate at JFK.   Thank you God!      
Larry, Kaylynn and I headed to our favorite restaurant, City Grill,   celebrated Valentine's and off to bed.     

Feb 14th,  Happy Valentine's Day,   5am we are up for laser.     We put Kaylynn's personalize baby scrubs on her and head off to the hospital.   BTW,  Sarantakes Family, everyone loved the scrubs.   She wore them into the operating room.   Before heading back to the OR,  we always meet and talk with Dr. Waner and Dr. Levitin.     We really don't ask how many more treatments anymore because we figure it is all up to the "H".    Well,  Dr. Waner looks at Kaylynn and says,  she is 1 now,    this is the last Pulse Dye Laser Treatment.    You will then come back in 6 yes, 6 months, and do a refractive laser.    6 months,   Larry and I just looked at each other.     Then after about 3-4 mini-face lift laser treatments over the next two years.   She is done and it is gone.  All gone by 3 years old.     Larry had tears in his eyes,  he just kept asking,  "really, all gone".     We are almost done.   

9th Laser

As Gus said,  hot damn,  6 months, now let's get you (Traci) healthy.   
We will wait until she is two years old to see if we need to do a hair transplant.   We will follow up with an ophthalmologist and cardiologist regarding her eyesight and heart here in Austin.   But, no NYC for 6 months.   YES!    What a relief.

Laser surgery went well.    Kaylynn did well again.  Although she is starting to build up a resistance to anesthesia.  She threw up this time and last time.  So thank you God,  that we are done with treatments for awhile.     Larry and I also believe Kaylynn understands more about getting the treatments now and it is causing her stress.    She came out screaming more this time and didn't sleep well,  waking up screaming for a few nights.    Breaks my heart.     But the "H" is going away.  

9th Laser


We flew home that day and picked up Reeve.     Poor little man,   a lot on his plate too.   When Larry picked him up, he just hugged Larry so tight and didn't let go.      He does well with Mama & Papa and all our friends.  He had 3 Valentine's Day parties.  Thank you Mechura family for keeping him.    But a lot of change in his life.    Thank you God,   no more NYC for 6 months.

9 Laser

Life is good!    One day at a time is my new motto.    I get pissed when I want,  I cry when I want to.   Keep fighting, keeping smiling, and remembering the good.    Kaylynn's H is REALLY going away.   Kaylynn  does not have any serious medical issues.   Her development is good.   We are blessed!   Thank you for caring and praying.    Thank you loving us and supporting us.     Thank you for standing by our sides.   9 trips to New York in 1 year.    Whew!   WE DID IT!  
Look at http://www.hinthecity.com/ to see the difference.   You will be amazed.    Still working on the site. 
Traci, Larry, Reeve & Kaylynn

Pictures of Dr. Waner,  Dr. Levitin, & Kaylynn

Dr. Waner, Dr. Levitin


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Contact Number: 512-402-9897

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